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KODAK MOMENTS Experiment Wipes Phones

By Yunus on 30 March 2017

One in three people have lost photos on their phone. "Father of the internet", Vint Cerf warns, even backups on storage devices and the cloud are at risk due to technology quickly becoming defunct.

Inspired by this insight, we took to the streets of London to undertake a revealing experiment for Kodak Moments: how would people react if their phones were wiped by mistake? As with every good story, there's a happy ending to this one. Here's what happened.

To make the experiment work, we offered to charge people’s phones with a custom-built, super-fast phone charger. However, during the charging process, things went wrong and all the data on the phone was wiped.

The experiment, captured on film, was conducted with real people, not actors. When all the data was wiped, the people who took part in the film explained that they missed their photos the most. Furthermore, no amount of monetary compensation was enough to make up for their lost photos.

The reviews are in

Websites and blogs across the globe covered the campaign. Here's what a couple of them said.


"As far as adverts go, this is one of the better ones."

Digital Trends


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