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What Do Future Audiences Look Like?

By Shannon Correia on 15 June 2023

The business of trend reporting is a well-established and one that is critical for industries worldwide. The presiding trends in society speak to the sentiments of that particular time, and it affects the work that brands and agencies do. Here’s a look at future audiences in the years ahead.

What Is a Trend?

Simply put, a trend is a developing direction or fashion. Trends can come and go quickly (becoming a fad), and on the other hand, a trend can have a lasting impact on the fabric of society. There is a lot that goes into trend theory and analysis, of the different points at which people adopt trends, to the lifespan of trends which has been significantly impacted by the likes of social media.

Trends can be identified to predict what future consumers can look like. It is information that is important for brands and agencies alike. So, as the world went from “unprecedented times” to “unchartered territory,” one wonders what comes next. 

Trends matter because they collectively indicate the zeitgeist. The zeitgeist can be defined as the defining moods and ideas of a particular time period.

Let’s take a look at what future audiences are likely to look like,

The New Nihilists

People who are tapping out of the mainstream. They value alternatives and take a contemplative, non-conformist approach. They seek meaning and solace where they can create their own rules. This audience values authenticity, creativity, and humour, as well as being understood for their disillusioned stance. 

The Reductionists

People seeking to re-establish real-life connections. They are driven by values and a sense of community. This is created with tangible experiences and consciousness of the world and supporting societies and the planet. These audiences place ethics front and centre. Storytelling that displays kindness and integrity is key, as their virtues come before self-care.

The Time Keepers

People who value time as their most valuable resource. This is a discerning collective who are seeking enrichment in their lives. Think daily rituals and meaningful experiences that add value. This audience favours freedom and flexibility, with quality and convenience as their key drivers. 

The Pioneers

People who are interested in new ideas and problem-solving that make the world better.  They are driven by inspiration, opportunities and risks, and an entrepreneurial spirit. Bridging the gap to optimising the seamless flow of digital and real-life worlds is key. They favour technology and are optimistic about the role of technology in the future. 

There you have it - a brief look at what future audiences will look like. Brand leaders need to ask themselves if they’re ready to meet the needs and expectations of these groups of people. Connecting with audiences and strengthening your relationships with them is dependent on a deep understanding of them. 

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