fbpx goHenry | Imperial Leisure


The Story

goHenry is a prepaid credit card, for children and teenagers, which makes it easy and fun to earn pocket money. It comes with a mobile app so that parents can reward children for chores and keep an eye on their spending patterns. goHenry asked us to create a creative approach and execution that will help them generate awareness and acquisitions.

The Message

Research shows that children who carry out chores lead on to living more fulfilled and happy lives as adults. This makes the gamification mechanics built in to the goHenry app for rewarding chores a great way to prepare children for adulthood. This was the core inspiration behind the message we developed for the campaign: parents can't always be there to protect them. With goHenry, parents can help their children to get ready for the real world.

The Ads

We created ads, for display and social media, which told the story of how parents prepare their children for the real world with goHenry.